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This scheme allows Luxembourg taxable persons to invoice for the supply of goods or services to customers outside Luxembourg who are not subject to VAT, without having to charge Luxembourg VAT. To take advantage of this...

From 12 November 2024, new formalities will be introduced at the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés. The main measures are as follows:- Requisition forms will no longer be in PDF format, but in HTML format;-...

Filing your 2023 income tax return

We would remind you that the personal income tax return for 2023 must be filed by 31 December 2024 at the latest (date of receipt by the tax office, not the date the return is sent). Who does...

HORECA sub-management

When a technical manager of an alcoholic drinks outlet has to be absent (e.g. due to illness, holiday, etc.) and wants the establishment to remain open during this period, he is obliged to appoint a sub-manager to...

Filing of annual accounts

Under article 75 of the law of 19 December 2002, Luxembourg companies are obliged to file their accounts (PCN) on the ECDF platform as well as their annual accounts with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés. This concerns...

Tax accounting obligations

The Director of Contributions had published on 15 September 2017 his circular L.G. - A n°63 concerning "Accounting obligations in tax matters". In particular, it was stated that "all taxpayers...

2,500 for the self-employed

This is immediate, non-refundable financial assistance of €2,500, with the following characteristics: It is available to individuals working in their own right or to self-employed company managers...