Monday -> Friday: 8.00am - 12.00pm / 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Tax accounting obligations

Tax accounting obligations

The Director of Taxes had issued his circular L.G. - A No. 63 dated 15 September 2017 regarding "Accounting requirements in tax matters".

With regard to the cash book, it was stated that "all transactions must be recorded without delay, accurately and completely and in date order, either in a single journal book or in a system of specialised journals". Furthermore, "it should be noted that a cash book kept using a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) is not permitted, as changes can be made at any time".

If the tax authorities discover irregularities in the cash book, resulting in tax reassessments, you run the risk of finding yourself in breach of article 396 of the General Tax Law (Abgabenordung) as well as in breach of article 506-1 of the Criminal Code.


Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.

Law for non-profit associations and foundations

Law for non-profit associations and foundations

Following the new law of 7 August 2023 on non-profit associations and foundations, which came into force on 23 September 2023, please find below some of the features of this new law:

  • The minimum number of association members is reduced from 3 to 2;
  • The Board of Directors comprises at least 3 directors. Directors may be appointed free of charge;
  • There is no longer any obligation to publish the list of members annually with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (Rcs). The lists must be kept internally by the Board of Directors and may be kept in electronic format;
  • Possibility of holding general meetings and board meetings by videoconference;
  • An Asbl may hold property that is not necessary for the realisation of its objects;
  • Asbls are classified as small, medium or large, depending on the number of employees, total annual income and total assets held. Depending on the category, each Asbl must comply with certain accounting requirements;
  • The Asbl is also obliged to keep the Rcs up to date in the event of a change in its articles of association or a change in the board of directors, as well as the Rbe in the event of a change in the beneficial owner;


Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.

Grant for short-time working due to COVID-19

Grant for short-time working due to COVID-19

Unfortunately, this procedure has now been changed. ADEM has therefore just informed interested parties that all requests, including those for March, must be made and submitted via the website MyGuichet. As a result, all submissions received by post or e-mail were automatically rejected.

If you would like us to take care of the administrative formalities, please do not hesitate to contact us. If this is the case, please send us the documents listed below by email:

  • Le Mandate attached, duly completed, dated and signed (all fields must be completed) ;
  • A bank details form corresponds to the account number indicated on the mandate;
  • The document "supporting document"signed by the legal representative of the applicant company.
2,500 for the self-employed

2,500 for the self-employed

This is immediate, non-repayable financial assistance of 2 500 € with the following characteristics:

  • It is valid for individuals working in their own name or for self-employed company managers (holding +25% of the company's capital);
  • It does not apply to doctors, health professionals such as masseurs, physiotherapists, speech therapists, etc., as well as self-employed professional artists and entertainers;
  • The self-employed person's income used as a basis for calculating social security contributions for 2019 must not exceed 2.5 times the minimum social wage (i.e. €5,354.98 per month or €64,259.70 per year),
  • The workforce must not exceed 9 employees (including self-employed workers);
  • It cannot be combined with the financial aid of €5,000 introduced on 25 March 2020. (from which the self-employed person could benefit as a trader or the company's beneficial owner). To apply for the €2,500 grant as a self-employed person, you must therefore wait for a negative response from the Ministry of the Economy concerning the €5,000 grant;

If you would like we were responsible for drawing up the applicationIn order to process your application, please click on the link below "Please fill in my application" and send it to us:

  • A bank details form ;
  • The attached mandate form, duly completed and signed;
  • The letter from the Ministry of the Economy indicating the refusal of the €5,000 grant ;
Help to support businesses and the self-employed

Help to support businesses and the self-employed

It is based on the Act of 3 April 2020 on an aid scheme for companies in temporary difficulty.

The main features of this aid are as follows:

  • This is an aid in the form of a repayable advance with a interest rate of 0.5% ;
  • It is intended for any company or private persons with an establishment authorisation, as well as certain liberal professions;
  • The aid amounts to up to a maximum of 50% for staff costs and rent (capped at €10,000 per month) for the period from 15 March 2020 to 15 May 2020. Applications for aid can therefore only be submitted from 15 May 2020;
  • The maximum amount of aid is 500 000€ ;
  • The company should not be considered as a "business". ailing company "on 1 January 2020. This is the case when the deduction of accumulated losses from reserves results in an accumulated negative amount that exceeds half the share capital;
  • Applications must be submitted to Ministry for the Economy by 15 August 2020 at the latest, accompanied by :
    • Either the 2019 annual accounts
    • Either with available financial data (example: 2018 annual accounts and bank statements showing staff and rent expenditure);
  • The aid will be paid before 1 October 2020. The aid will be repaid on the basis of a repayment plan proposed by the applicant company and approved by the State towards the end of the first half of 2021. Repayment of the aid will begin at the earliest twelve months after payment of the repayable advance, unless the company requests otherwise;

If you would like we were responsible for drawing up the application for a repayable advance, we would be grateful if you could return to us by e-mail

Benefit from the SME and Self-Employed Emergency Fund

Benefit from the SME and Self-Employed Emergency Fund

Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 crisis, the Directorate General for the Middle Classes decided to set up a emergency fund for very small businesses and the self-employed.

This is immediate, non-repayable financial assistance of 5 000€. To qualify for this aid, an application must be submitted to Ministry for the Economy.

The conditions for obtaining this aid are :

  • Valid establishment authorisation issued by the Direction générale des classes moyennes;
  • Between 0 and 9 employees;
  • Activity discontinued since the entry into force of the Grand-Ducal regulation of 18 March 2020;
  • Minimum annual turnover of 15,000 euros.